A.M.I. 3-6 Orientation Certificate

Online Format 

August 19th - 18th September, 2025

 A.M.I. 3-6 Trainer - Carol Potts 


The Association Montessori Internationale 3-6 Orientation Certificate Course is designed to give an overview of the 3-6 tamaiti/child and a clear understanding of the Montessori philosophy regarding tamariki/children from three to six years. During this course you will discover how the Montessori principles and practice can help tamariki reach their full potential.


Who is the Course for?

  • Adults seeking a further understanding of the Montessori approach to tamaiti development. 
  • Anyone considering a career following Montessori principles..
  • ECE trained kaiako (teachers) in a Montessori 3-6 setting.
  • Parents, whānau, nannies, carers and professionals working with young tamariki.

Further, the course may provide essential information for Montessori centre owners and administrators.

The course presents an overview of the development of the tamaiti in accordance with Dr Montessori's principles and philosophy. Particular emphasis is given to the development from three to six years.


Course Dates

The course will be offered over 10 online sessions plus 30 hours of independent study.   

Online: Commencing on Tuesday 19th August & concluding on Thursday 18th September. Every Tuesday and Thursday eve. at 5.45p.m. - 9.00p.m.  Plus an additional 9 hours of observations


AMI 3-6 Director of Training - Carol Potts

Carol is an AMI 3-6 Trainer. She is a trustee of the Maria Montessori Education Foundation, the affiliated AMI training centre in Aotearoa, New Zealand. She is an AMI examiner, consultant and mentor and has offered workshops and training in Australia, Japan,China & Bahrain. Carol is one of the AMI training faculty in Beijing, China. She will be the Director of Training for the next AMI 3-6 Diploma  commencing April 2026.


Registration Details  

Download the course registration form here. Register online here. Ensure to register before Friday July 25th to be eligible for the early bird discount. We look forward to welcoming you on the course! 


A.M.I. 0-3 Orientation Certificate

Online Format 

September 16th - 9th October, 2025

 A.M.I. 0-3 Trainer - Julia Hilson


 This Course is for?

  •  Anyone with an interest in the profundity of human development during the first three years of life. Offering essential aids to support the unfolding personality.
  • Kaiako, centre owners, administrators and professionals working with tamariki under three years.

The course also offers invaluable insights for parents, whānau and kaiako regarding development from birth to three years. The content brings in current research in connection to Montessori's pedagogy. Don't miss out!


AMI 0-3 Director of Training - Julia Hilson

Julia Hilson is an AMI-accredited Director of Training for the Assistants to Infancy (0-3). 

She completed her AMI Children’s House (3-6) Diploma in Hampstead 35 years ago! In the years following, she has established Centres and ran classes in the UK and Australia. She also completed her AMI (6-12) Diploma in Bergamo, her AMI (0-3) Diploma on the Gold Coast (Australia) – as well as attending the inaugural Educateurs sans Frontieres gathering at Citta De Castella in 1999. She holds a Bachelor of Early Childhood and a Masters Degree in Education and holds Teacher Registration credentials in Australia. 

As an AMI 0-3 Director of Training, Julia has completed Diploma Courses in Australia, UK, Japan, India and South Africa. She has also completed Assistants Courses in Australia, New Zealand, UK, South Africa, The Gambia and Nigeria. In between Training Julia works as a Consultant in the Torres Strait Islands, Aboriginal Communities and Long Day Care settings in Australia. 


Registration Details  


Download the course registration form here. Register online here. Ensure to register before Friday August 22nd to be eligible for the early bird discount. We look forward to welcoming you on the course!